Grant Process
Below are the outlines of the content required for a Phase I proposal. All proposals will include Organization Information completed online as Step 1. Step 2 will be the completion of the proposal outline. In addition, all Small Grants and Large Grants Divisions will complete proposal outline responses in a short answer format online. Proposal Outline
Note that the last portion of the proposal submission process, Step 3, includes certification by an officer of your organization confirming the organization is a nonprofit, it is committed to the project as proposed, the organization has reviewed and approved the Phase I proposal, and a conflict of interest disclosure has been completed.
Small and Large Grants Division
Step 2) Proposal Outline (Completed online in short answer format)
- Proposal Abstract: In a 250-word or less abstract/summary, clearly define the issue and the proposed solution(s) to address.
- Proposal Body
- Need/Problem Statement & Target Service Area (What is the project’s purpose, and who is expected to benefit from it?)
- Intended Outcomes & Measurements (What methods will be used in Phase I to validate the need and measure the impact in a Phase II implementation?)
- Innovation, Expansion, or Continuation (Is this proposed project best categorized as a new service, an expansion of current services, or a continuation of existing services for your organization?)
- Potential Collaborations & Project Sustainability (If this project continues to be implemented in Phase II, who are the ideal community partners, and how might it sustain itself after the initial funding period?)
- Use of Funds (What will the requested Phase I funds be used for?)
Step 3) Proposal Certification (Completed online)
- Click here to download a 2025 Small and Large Grants Division Phase I Proposal Outline in PDF format.