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Grant Process

Proposal Outline

Below are the outlines of the content required for a Phase I proposal. All proposals will include Organization Information completed online as Step 1. Step 2 will be the completion of the proposal outline. In addition, all Small Grants and Large Grants Divisions will complete proposal outline responses in a short answer format online. 

Note that the last portion of the proposal submission process, Step 3, includes certification by an officer of your organization confirming the organization is a nonprofit, it is committed to the project as proposed, the organization has reviewed and approved the Phase I proposal, and a conflict of interest disclosure has been completed.

Small and Large Grants Division

Step 1) Organization Information (Completed online)
Step 2) Proposal Outline (Completed online in short answer format)

  • Proposal Abstract: In a 250-word or less abstract/summary, clearly define the issue and the proposed solution(s) to address.
  • Proposal Body
    1. Need/Problem Statement & Target Service Area (What is the project’s purpose, and who is expected to benefit from it?)
    2. Intended Outcomes & Measurements (What methods will be used in Phase I to validate the need and measure the impact in a Phase II implementation?)
    3. Innovation, Expansion, or Continuation (Is this proposed project best categorized as a new service, an expansion of current services, or a continuation of existing services for your organization?)
    4. Potential Collaborations & Project Sustainability (If this project continues to be implemented in Phase II, who are the ideal community partners, and how might it sustain itself after the initial funding period?)
    5. Use of Funds (What will the requested Phase I funds be used for?)

Step 3) Proposal Certification (Completed online)

  • Click here to download a 2025 Small and Large Grants Division Phase I Proposal Outline in PDF format.