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FOCUS Ministries

Women’s Re-Entry Wellness

Women returning to Knoxville from incarceration need a supportive, safe-space, therapeutic residence program facilitating long-term re-entry success. FOCUS Ministries seeks to launch Phase 2* a holistic, healthy choices program for women re-entering society from East Tennessee jails and prisons designed to address ACES and resiliency, opioid addiction prevention, and overall mental health thereby reducing recidivism and breaking cycles of incarceration. This initiative will be accomplished by implementing the evidence-based practices gathered from these successful models: 1) Amity Foundation’s Therapeutic Communities, 2) Huikahi’s Restorative Circles, and 3) The Lovelady Center’s residential rehabilitation program.
* Phase 1 involved securing a location and rights to open an approved home for women.

Long-term sustainability is a priority. FOCUS Ministries works diligently to develop staff and board fundraising via foundations, corporations, donors, events, and earned-income streams.