Girl Talk, Inc.

Expanding the Girl Talk Life Prep Academy

There is a significant gap in the social sector where kids receive services until they turn 18 but need adequate preparation for life and the challenges that come with it. Unfortunately, many of these challenges cause kids to either not enroll in college, not perform at their highest ability in college or a career, and/or drop out.

Many participants struggle with myriad issues, including academic preparation, social acclimation, mental health and wellness, balancing the responsibilities and demands from home, discovering their career path, and overcoming the fear of seeking assistance. Many girls stress the difficulties of acclimating to the world of work and the responsibilities of adulthood, including balancing their budgets, securing housing, balancing family demands, and addressing their mental health and wellness (particularly during a global pandemic), with many of our participants stressing needing support post-graduation. Girl Talk, Inc. desires to expand initiatives to ensure long-term success: defined as graduation from high school & college, progressing to the next grade, and receiving life skills that will prepare girls for a sustainable life. Expanding programming will empower girls to pursue academic and professional goals while ensuring connection to mental health and community resources.