Operation Inasmuch

Blessing Boxes

Addressing hunger in our community feels like a daunting and never-ending task. Operation Inasmuch wants to be part of the solution by building and supplying BLESSING BOXES through the Knoxville community. These Blessing Boxes are simply small pantries that hold non-perishable food items and other essentials for people in need. Along with key partners, they want to revitalize existing boxes around Knoxville while building and installing 50 new Blessing Boxes throughout Knox County (and even surrounding areas if deemed necessary and possible). These boxes would be placed in critical areas across the community (with the permission of churches, businesses, parks, neighborhoods, etc.) to allow people to drop off items and take items that they need in a private and nonthreatening way. Operation Inasmuch would regularly maintain and stock the blessing box items for up to one year.