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Remote Area Medical

Into the Digital Age: Remote Area Medical's Digital Denture Program

Remote Area Medical ® (RAM) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to preventing pain and alleviating suffering by providing free, quality healthcare to those in need through mobile pop-up clinics. In 2023, 67% of RAM patients reported having no dental insurance compared to 27% nationwide (CareQuest Institute for Oral Health), highlighting the significant gap in dental care access within underserved communities. A study by the National Institutes of Health underscores the far-reaching impact of poor oral health on overall well-being, with dental issues linked to various health complications, such as substantial nutritional challenges, weight fluctuations, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and decreased quality of life.

In response, RAM is introducing its innovative mobile digital denture unit, leveraging advanced 3D printing technology to provide expedited denture services for their patients. This initiative aims to drastically reduce the waiting time for denture patients, offering same-day solutions compared to the weeks-long process typical of conventional denture production. By providing efficient and high-quality denture services, RAM seeks to restore smiles and improve patients’ nutrition and overall health outcomes.