On Thursday, October 20th, the Trinity Health Foundation of East Tennessee awarded over $900,000 in grants to eight nonprofit organizations. These grants are the result of a year-long effort to stimulate projects related to Trinity’s mission of improving the physical, emotional, and spiritual health of East Tennessee. From 76 proposals submitted in March, 12 large and 11 small Phase I grant recipients were chosen and together received over $234,000 for project planning and research. After three months of further development, five large and three small grants of the Phase I recipients were selected to receive Phase II grant awards which were announced on October 20th. These awards emphasize the commitment of these organizations to address and remedy many of the challenges faced by the community.

2022 is the ninth year Trinity has awarded Health Initiative Grants, amounting to more than $11 million, which target the health of our region. Winning initiatives this year address focused needs in strategies to concentrate on the mental health needs of the youth in our community from COVID-19, strategies to provide outdoor exercise and physical therapy opportunities through a multi-generational play space, strategies to address reentry programs for those incarcerated with addiction issues, strategies to provide mental health care to low-come individuals and the uninsured, strategies to address physical fitness, strategies to provide mixed-income/trauma-responsive early education programs for children, strategies to provide physical fitness, healthy eating, and tutoring toward the academic success of students, strategies to provide a Christ-centered therapeutic reentry program for incarcerated women, and strategies to provide health care via telehealth with local and nation-wide providers.

These proposals were selected based on the potential impact and sustainability demonstrated in written reports, oral presentations, and site visits. Trinity is honored to be able to help organizations that seek to make our community healthier and stronger. To learn more about this year’s winners, click here 2022 Grant Recipients

Boys & Girls Clubs in Tennessee: Addressing Youth Mental Health Needs Post COVID-19 Pandemic
Legacy Parks Foundation:  Multi-generational Play Space
McNabb Center: Residential Reentry Program for Individuals Released from Jail with History of Opioid Use
Mental Health Association of East Tennessee: Treatment Bank Access
The Restoration House: Mixed-Income Trauma-Responsive Early Education Initiative
A 1 Learning Connections: Total Body Reset
FOCUS Ministries: FOCUS Women’s Reentry Program Expansion & Enrichment
Free Medical Clinic of Oak Ridge: FMC Provider Network
Surgery on Sunday – East Tennessee: Changing Lives, One Surgery at a Time